Friday, February 11, 2011


I have always been passionate about cooking with the kids. I see it as a beneficial activity with an emphasis on math, taking turns, following directions, etc. The kids are always eager to help and have never turned down an opportunity to scrub up and help.

Recently I have taught them how to make their own PB&J's, egg salad sandwiches, and french toast. I honestly think they could recreate these if left to their own devices (except using the hot stove) and I am quite proud of them. Theo, age two, peels his own hard boiled eggs, peels his own navel oranges, and can crack eggs without breaking yolks. We often joke if Theo were left on his own in a forest, he would be the one to find food.

Last week we made our own pretzels and that was a fantastic activity since they were able to roll out their own dough and shape their pretzels.

My goals for Georgia this summer are to teach her how to measure and to graduate from just pouring, stirring, and dumping in premeasured ingredients. Theo's goal is to not eat the ingredients before we are done making them!

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