Sunday, March 15, 2009


Indeed, why? Many people have different reasons; alot of them centering around religion or values. These aren't necessarily the case with us. I have come to homeschooling by the ways of a very curvy path. The route that has gotten us here was proceeded by very distinct events proceeded by casual observations. Let me begin...

Twelve years ago I witnessed what the possibility of education could be when I enrolled our oldest child in a preschool Montessori program. Never before had I experienced a school where children were joyful, disciplined, and encouraged to grow amongst nature and with pride. The children learned sign language, attained skills at their own pace, played at recess on grass and under apple trees. It was joyful and magical and I thought to myself that this is how school should be.

Seven years ago I became a public school teacher. The memories of the Montessori school were a dream to what public school was. Concrete and limited resources were the norm. State testing and new philosophy's every other year were the expectations. Teacher burnout was high, violence and frustration were everywhere.

Ten months ago I lay in our bed with our youngest, Theo, recovering from my c-section and reading Mothering magazine. I became fascinated about an article about the success and benefits of homeschooling. I saved that issue (May 2008) and reread it when alone and pondered the possibility. Was it possible?

Throughout the past ten months, I have bought and borrowed books about homeschooling. I have subscribed to a homeschooling newsletter, and attended a support group/parent meeting for homeschooling families.

What I have learned is that homeschooling is the best choice for our family at this time. I reserve the right to examine our choice at periodic intervals and determine if this is the course we should be on. We will take it day by day, week by week, and month by month. Nothing is guaranteed and isn't that the way life is supposed to be?

1 comment:

  1. What a journey you and your family are about to embark on Aimie! Although I can't see myself homeschooling Emma - I do agree with many points that you have made. I wish you lots of luck and support while you and Jon and the family begin this wonderful adventure!
